Grand National Festival of Racing: Day by day

23 July, 2021
One week, three days, 30 races (and free mulled wine in the foyer each raceday) - Riccarton Park’s Grand National Festival of Racing is a racing enthusiast’s winter wonderland. 7

Your Guide to Wellington Steeplechase Day

13 July, 2021
Tweeds and Tartans at the ready, Wellington Racing Club’s Grant Plumbing Wellington Steeplechase Day is just around the corner and is one event not to be missed. Featuring the

Eleanor Campbell on Winter Racing Fashion

1 June, 2021
If you're going to take raceday fashion advice from a

What’s On this Jumps season

15 May, 2021
The 2021 jumps season is off to a flying start (pun intended!) and we’re just getting started. Get out your diary and pen and note down the premier jumps meetings for the season.

Fashions OFF the field: Everything you need to know

16 April, 2021
For fashionistas around the country, it’s time to don your most colourful racing fashion and fascinators for racewear’s all-new virtual competition, aptly-titled Fashions 

Easter Weekend Racing

30 March, 2021
Easter – a time to indulge in chocolate bunnies AND racing. With five racedays being held around the country this long weekend, you’re spoilt for choice!

Six celebrity dining experiences: Live auction to support NZ Horse Ambulance Trust

30 March, 2021
Ever dreamed of having lunch with Danielle Johnson and Samantha Collett? Or perhaps dinner with Opie Bosson, L

Derby talking points

5 March, 2021
Grant Cooksley and Lance O’Sullivan both have an opportunity to complete a rare double this weekend. They are attempting to join Nigel Tiley and Chris McNab as the only horseme

Derby Black and White: Where did it originate?

26 February, 2021
Vodafone Derby Day is a day to leave your ‘stand out from the crowd’ attitude at home and gallop with the (Monochrome) herd! But WHY? There’s a few theories on where the Derby &ls

The Classics Carnival

19 February, 2021
Three stunning race days, over three consecutive weekends, attracting the crème de la crème of New Zealand racing – GIDDY UP! Encompassing Ellerslie’s Auckland Cup